10 Quick Tips on Becoming More Productive

Sometimes it feels like a 24-hour day isn’t enough for you to do all there is to be done. Other times, you work hard throughout the day only to learn that you have not accomplished as much as you would have liked. Well, staying productive is a hassle. Read this article to learn how to...

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Survival 101: How to thrive under pressure

 It's common to think of pressure as a bad influence on our lives. It makes sense. Unreasonable pressure can be a significant source of stress and agitation. But every problem also raises crucial issues that test our moral character, leadership style, and way of living: Do we have the...

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10 Ways to Express Gratitude


We were always trained to say "please" and "thank you" as children. Most of the time, we repeat these phrases thoughtlessly and without any real intent. Expressing your appreciation should always come from the heart. It might occasionally seem like harmful optimism to be advised to "be...

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Affirmations: How to get them to work for you!

Did you know that incorporating affirmations into their daily routine can significantly improve your self-esteem and enable you to create a life you value?

According to psychologist Lauren Alexander, Ph.D., regular affirmations can bolster your confidence in yourself and your abilities, enabling...

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How to be More Open to Change


Do you have established habits? Do you find it challenging to accept change? Change is something that many people find difficult, yet it is a vital aspect of life. You must be adaptable if you desire more and more considerable success. Being open-minded means having the capacity to be less...

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Instincts: What are they and Should you Trust them

Ever get the feeling that something isn't right? Do you have that strong gut feeling that tells you to follow your instincts when something feels wrong? In addition to assisting, you in making snap judgments, your intuition keeps you safe. Thanks to it, you can make wise decisions about your...

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10 Daily Habits for Success


Success is often attributed to habits maintained by successful people.We could question ourselves. 

How did this individual get such wealth? What makes them so unique? Why do they have so much money?

If you are going to be successful in the future, whether in your business or...

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10 Habits that Are Detrimental to Your Future


A habit is a set of repetitive behaviours that we usually do unconsciously. As we repeat these behaviours, they become a part of our reality and reflect our way of living. Some behaviours can make or break our lives. Even though habits may seem spontaneous, they result from intentional,...

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Tips for Navigating Career Change

The concept of a lifelong career has significantly evolved recently. In the past, individuals aimed to start at the bottom and ascend through an organization until retirement. However, the modern professional trajectory often involves multiple job changes and even shifts in career paths. Factors...

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How to Practise Self-Compassion

Have you ever felt angry with yourself, or accused yourself of doing something you regret? Perhaps after being harsh with someone, you were even harder on yourself? 

The truth is your harshest critic is often yourself. That critical voice in your brain can constantly point out your mistakes...

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How to Overcome Procrastination: A Practical Guide

Psychology has long held the view that persons who delay have an incorrect perception of time, believing they have more time than they have to complete a task. While that could be the case for some, a more recent study indicates a connection between procrastination and problems with stress. It's...

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Overcoming Perfectionism: A Practical Guide

The society we live in often praises the pursuit of perfection. We sometimes tend to be proud of our perfectionism. However, when we obsessively strive for perfection, it can lead to burnout as we try to control every aspect of our lives. Perfectionism is not just a bad habit but can be a deeply...

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How to Stay Valuable in the Workplace

 Are you a valuable employee? More importantly, do the senior staff members view you as a critical team member? Aim higher when you notice that your progress at work has plateaued. You need to go above and beyond the bare minimum and take control of your professional growth to keep your...

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