How to Overcome Procrastination: A Practical Guide

Psychology has long held the view that persons who delay have an incorrect perception of time, believing they have more time than they have to complete a task. While that could be the case for some, a more recent study indicates a connection between procrastination and problems with stress. It's difficult to kick the procrastination habit. After all, if it were easy, students wouldn't routinely procrastinate, according to researcher and speaker Piers Steel, who estimates that between 80% and 95% of students do so.

At some time in their lives, everybody has put off doing something. No matter how organized and dedicated you are, there is a reasonable probability that you have wasted time when you should have been working on a job or school-related assignments by spending hours on insignificant activities. There may be more going on than just laziness, despite what some people may think.

The belief that we must have inspiration or motivation to work on a job at a specific time is one of the leading causes of procrastination. The strategies listed below will teach you how to overcome procrastination, but first...


What is the meaning of procrastinating?


Procrastination is a common behavior, even though it can have negative consequences. It usually involves delaying a difficult task in favor of something more enjoyable or easier. However, the delayed task is often more important. Giving in to the temptation to procrastinate can lead to unfavorable outcomes.

Laziness and procrastination are sometimes thought to be the same, but they are actually quite different. When you procrastinate, you actively choose to do something else instead of completing the work you know you should be doing. Laziness, on the other hand, is characterized by inactivity, passivity, and a lack 


What are the Causes of Procrastination? 


Before considering how to overcome procrastination, we must first understand what causes us to procrastinate. The act of procrastination is not a mental condition. But, in certain instances, it could be a sign of a more serious mental health issue like depression, OCD, or ADHD. We typically believe that chores will take less time than they do, which might give us a false feeling of security when we believe we still have plenty of time to do these tasks.

Moreover, procrastination is not just a result of insufficient time management abilities; it also has more profound, more complex psychological causes. Most of the time, we postpone and avoid things out of dread and anxiety—fear of failing, fear of succeeding too well, fear of losing control, fear of seeming foolish, fear of having one's sense of self or self-concept questioned. To avoid having our talents scrutinized, we avoid performing labour.


Best ways to overcome procrastination

Procrastination is a behaviour that can be broken, much like most other habits. So, what can we do to combat our procrastination tendencies? Read the sections below to learn how to overcome perfectionism and procrastination. 


  • Step 1: Recognize That You're Procrastinating


It's important to recognize the role of procrastination in your life, as understanding the issue is the first step towards finding a solution. You aren't necessarily procrastinating if you're short delaying an essential activity for a worthy cause. But you'll know you're probably doing it if you start to put things off indefinitely or change your priorities to avoid doing anything. The first step in eliminating procrastination is to become aware of how it emerges in your life and impacts your productivity.


  • Step 2: Identify Why You Procrastinate


We tend to quickly justify our actions but to address procrastination, you can’t justify it. Before you can start to address it, you must first understand why you are putting off tasks. A few things, including fear, can cause procrastination. This can include the fear of succeeding, of failing, of making mistakes, or even of succeeding.

Procrastination can be caused by poor organization. Because they use prioritized To-Do Lists and design efficient schedules, organized people can overcome it. Using these tools, you can arrange your tasks according to priority and due dates. Making bad decisions is a significant contributor to procrastination. If you're unsure what to do, you'll probably put it off out of fear of making a mistake.


  • Step 3: Adopt New Habits that Help Curb Procrastinating


Procrastination is a deeply ingrained habit, a pattern of behavior that is not easily broken overnight. Experts recommend creating a calendar, organizing academic tasks meticulously, and improving time management skills as effective strategies to combat procrastination. If you find yourself procrastinating, consider trying the following tips to help you get back on track:

  • Accept responsibility for previous delays. Self-forgiveness, according to studies, might make you feel better about yourself and lessen your propensity to put things off in the future.
  • Treat yourself to something special, like a piece of cake or a cup of coffee from your preferred coffee shop, after you finish a challenging assignment on schedule. 
  • Change the language you're using internally. For instance, "need to" and "have to" indicate that you are powerless over what you do. This could even cause you to self-sabotage since it makes you feel powerless. Yet, the phrase "I choose to" conveys that you are in charge of a task, and it might help you feel more in charge of your burden.
  • Request a check-up from someone. Peer pressure is an effective tool to combat procrastination! The idea behind self-help groups is this. An online program like Procraster can assist you with self-monitoring if you don't have somebody to ask for support.
  • Concentrate on doing rather than avoiding. You should list the things you need to do along with a deadline. You may use deal with your assignments and work proactively. 
  • Master the art of project planning and scheduling. These tools can assist you in making efficient time plans and lowering your stress levels if you are working on a large project or several tasks at once and are unsure where to begin.
  • Cut back on interruptions. When working, turn off your email and social media, and avoid any TVs in the area.
  • Get those chores that you find least enjoyable done first. You may then focus on tasks you find more pleasurable for the day.
  • When you're at your best, take on the most challenging jobs. Which is better for your productivity—morning or afternoon? Determine your peak productivity periods and use these times to do the activities that you find most challenging.
  • Use applications for task and time management. Trello and Toggl are just two examples of the countless applications available to assist you in being more organized.
  • Establishing deadlines for yourself can help you stay on track to reach your objectives and ensure you don't have time for procrastination.



Procrastination can limit your potential and put your career at risk. It may lead to issues with teamwork, decreased morale, and can even result in despair and job loss. Therefore, it's crucial to take proactive steps to prevent it. Although it may not be possible to eliminate procrastination completely, understanding why you procrastinate and how to overcome these tendencies can be helpful.

I trust you've gained useful insights on how to conquer procrastination. By applying these methods, you might find it easier to buckle down and tackle those essential tasks.

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