10 Ways to Express Gratitude


We were always trained to say "please" and "thank you" as children. Most of the time, we repeat these phrases thoughtlessly and without any real intent. Expressing your appreciation should always come from the heart. It might occasionally seem like harmful optimism to be advised to "be more appreciative," as if your problems aren't genuine or that you don't value what you have.

However, praising the positive does not necessitate downplaying or dismissing the negative. Expressing appreciation might improve your attitude and help you become more resilient. Gratitude has traditionally been hailed as one of the most admirable moods by philosophers and artists. We have a lot to be grateful for, without a doubt. Why not show our appreciation? It has no cost to us and provides a wealth of advantages.

In this article, I’ll share different ways to express gratitude as well as examples of expressing gratitude. 


Why is it important to show gratitude?

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” – Henry Ward Beecher

Many experts think that cognitive distortions and harmful or counterproductive thinking processes may play a role in various mental health problems, such as sadness and anxiety.

The main goal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which tries to assist individuals in recognizing and altering their thought patterns, is to address cognitive distortions and unhelpful ideas.

Gratitude is a kind of constructive cognitive distortion. Expressing thankfulness helps you to focus on the people, places, things, and experiences that make your life richer rather than on the negative parts of life or assuming the worst. A thankfulness practice may also improve your attitude, particularly if you share your enthusiasm.


10 Ways to Show Gratitude

What is the best way to express gratitude? I can't categorically say that my ways of showing gratitude are the ‘best’ but they are more commonly accepted. In this section, i’ll be sharing 10 ways to show gratitude as well as good examples of expressing gratitude. Please read till the end! 


  • Say a kind word.

Saying thanks to someone else is the easiest, quickest, and most straightforward method to express gratitude. Saying a few good words works just as well if you don't have a specific thing to offer as a token of appreciation. Sincere, kind words may be soothing to a hurting spirit. They are equally effective for those worried, unhappy, lonely, unwell, exhausted, or just a little nervous or depressed. It's lovely to do this as a family. Take turns expressing your gratitude when you sit down for breakfast or dinner. If not, do this on your lunch break with a friend. Expressing thanks out loud may be effective.


  • Write a letter

Both the writer and the recipient can benefit much from writing gratitude notes. According to a 2015 study, writing a thanksgiving letter is a type of narrative writing which may be an effective treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It typically helps the mind to organize and digest information by writing it down. You may make the feeling of thankfulness stronger for yourself by expressing it in writing. You may try composing a letter to yourself, a special someone, or simply a list of things for which you are thankful. Those heartfelt feelings of appreciation may intensify if you write a letter to express your gratitude to someone. Additionally, in this day and age of quick communication, receiving a letter in the mail makes it a unique treat.


  • Listen intently 

I know I'm guilty of occasionally failing to understand what another person is saying because I'm so preoccupied with what I will say next. It takes work and practice, but that common tendency can be changed. It's simple to fall into the habit of just partially listening to your dear ones when so many things are vying for your attention. Active listening entails intentionally listening to fully hear, comprehend, and remember what is being spoken to you. A great approach to show someone you appreciate them, especially if they've been a good listener for you in the past, is to make them feel heard.


  • Give a thoughtful gift

Gifts aren't always the ideal method to convey emotions, and they no longer replace open dialogue. But occasionally, a genuinely thoughtful present may demonstrate how much you respect and value another person. An excellent present need not be pricey. In actuality, homemade ones are frequently the most significant. Consider what they utilize in their daily lives or your most treasured moments as a couple when you choose your gift selection. Instead of a tangible item, a present might alternatively be an event.


  • Start a gratitude journal

Expressive writing in a diary may help you work through complicated feelings and situations, but it can also help you focus on the good things in your life. You may strengthen your awareness of what you have by practicing thankfulness journaling, which could make you more tolerant of stress and adversity. Writing in a thankfulness diary may be done in any way. Some people keep a brief journal of their daily blessings, while others might want to make a longer piece. You may begin writing your thankfulness entry by taking stock of how you physically and mentally feel.


  • Pay an impromptu visit and check-ins

How frequently have you had someone invite you to stop by and visit them? If the offer is sincere, pay attention. This is a subtly worded invitation to hang together with that person. You are invited to visit them. When you do, even if it's only a brief stop by after work, church, or shopping, it shows that individual that you care about them and have taken note of their prior offer.

There is always email if you are too busy to make time for a face-to-face meeting. Send a quick message that is well-written to let someone know you are thinking about them. To complete the message, include a few amusing or instructive items. Also, think about giving a quick hello call. It's far more intimate than an email, but an actual visit is still preferable. You wouldn't believe how fulfilling a call can be. It is a straightforward method to say hello that the receiver will enjoy. Even if you both are pressed for time, a friendly conversation promotes well-being.


  • Offer your help

You may show your thanks through actions. Some people find it challenging to support others instead of caring for themselves or asking for assistance. Therefore, if someone has previously helped you, think about helping them in return. This might take the form of logistical assistance, such as helping with household DIY projects or errand running. Giving counsel on a subject you are knowledgeable about is another option. Consider your areas of expertise, and then find out what the other person needs. Volunteering, taking a family member's children to the park, and assisting a coworker with a project all count as acts of gratitude.


  • Buy lunch or cook something you love 

For many individuals, cooking is a grounding and contemplative activity. If that is you, you can also consider using your culinary talents as part of your thankfulness practice. Buying someone a nutritious lunch or inviting them over for a home-cooked meal is a loving gesture that might be good for your mental health. But preparing food for oneself may also be a fantastic way to be thankful. You might want to start with the meals that make you feel emotionally and physically fed.


  • Volunteer

I have experienced some of my happiest moments in life when donating generously to important causes. This does not imply that you require a long break or a large sum of money. It can entail soliciting Christmas gifts from acquaintances for the neighborhood women's shelter or dog shelter. Consider what speaks to you and how much time you can commit to improving the lives of another person.


  • Genuinely compliment a stranger

The next time you eat out, sincerely thank the waiter, the chef, or the proprietor of the café or restaurant. Tell a total stranger how stunning they are and how much you adore their outfit. Try to be sincere. Nothing is more rewarding than watching someone's face light up when you do this. We all travel our paths, and we have no idea what the person in line behind us in the store may be dealing with. Sincere condemnation is usually valued and helps everyone feel good!


Let’s recap

A growing number of studies demonstrates how cultivating an attitude of thankfulness may significantly positively impact your mental health. Whatever you choose to concentrate on doesn't matter as long as you are grateful. You could feel thankful for a big item, like your health or loved ones, or a tiny thing, like observing a sunset. By showing thankfulness to others, you may improve your connections and build a solid support system. People typically pick different ways to express their gratitude to one another. Pick an activity that speaks to you, then try to include it in your daily schedule. 

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